Ziad H Deleme
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Collage of Dentistry, University of Mosul, IraqPublications
The Local Effects of Kinesiologic Tape, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (Diclofenac Sodium Ampoule) on Post-Operative Sequelae after Surgical Reduction of Mandibular Fracture: A Comparative Study
Author(s): Ziad H Deleme* and Abdul Kareem J Aljubory
Introduction: Surgical intervention of mandibular traumatic fractures is a known modality in faciomaxillary surgical work. Frequently escorted by aching, swelling, postsurgical disability is a main difficulty, disturbing human quality of daily activities. The application of Kinesiology tape in certain cases of fracture mandible increases the blood and lymphatic stream, eliminating congested fluids of lymph and blood contents. Aims of this prospective clinical study were to estimate if the use of Kinesiology tape would inhibit or recovers edema, pain post mandibular fracture surgical reduction. Materials and Methods: Twenty cases were enrolled for management of mandibular fractures and were haphazardly distributed into two treatment groups, either Kinesiology tape group or none- Kinesiology tape group with administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Diclofenac sodium ampoul.. Read More»