Yasuhide Makiyama
Department of Neurosurgery/Head and Neck Surgery, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Matsudo Chiba 271-8587, JapanPublications
Pilot Study on the Therapeutic Effects of Cisplatin and Docetaxel Superselective Intra-Arterial Infusion and Systemic 5-Fluorouracil Combination Chemotherapy for Stage II Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue with Greater than 4 mm Depth of Invasion
Author(s): Shigeo Tanaka*, Maya Oshima, Hideo Niwa, Yasuhide Makiyama, Kayo kuyama, Hirayama and Masamichi Komiya
This study aimed to investigate the effects of superselective intra-arterial infusion of cisplatin and docetaxel and systemically administered 5-fluorouracil combination chemotherapy (i.e., TPF chemotherapy) in patients with stage II squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue with greater than 4 mm depth of invasion (DOI). Eight patients diagnosed with stage II squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue with DOI >4 mm between December 2007 and July 2017 who underwent TPF chemotherapy at Nihon University Hospital at Matsudo were examined retrospectively. Six of the eight patients were managed under wait-and-see policy after chemotherapy and two patients underwent surgery for the primary lesion after chemotherapy. The disease-specific survival (DFS) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) rates of the six patients managed under the wait-and-see policy were compared using the Kaplan–Meier meth.. Read More»