Department of Oral surgery, Kidwai Institute of Cancer Hospital, Gulbarga, IndiaPublications
Assessment of Periodontal Status and Periodontal Treatment Requirement in Hospitalized Cancer Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study
Author(s): Bindu S Patil*, Apoorva DG, Gururaj Deshpande and Veerbhadra
Background: Periodontal assessment for 35 cancer hospitalized patients was examined for oral hygiene conditions, periodontal status, and the need for oral care. Further, the study evaluates the necessity of medical personnel to assist in achieving oral health maintenance during their period of hospitalization. Introduction: Cancer patients, usually present with low immunity during their period of hospitalization. Maintenance of oral hygiene is usually neglected, which leads to an increase in plaque and calculus accumulation, thus contributing to the initiation of Periodontal Disease (PD). Materials and Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 35 cancer hospitalized patients at Kidwai Cancer Institute, Kalaburagi. A hard copy questionnaire comprising 15 questions, based on the condition of oral hygiene and periodontal status with their period of hospitalization was circ.. Read More»