Vasanthkumar C
Department of Orthopaedics, Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, IndiaPublications
Neglected 3 Week Old Volar Barton?s Fracture Treated with Open Reduction Internal Fixation Using Volar LCP
Author(s): Vasanthkumar C and Manickavasagam M*
Barton fractures are fractures of the distal radius. It is also sometimes termed the dorsal type Barton fracture to distinguish it from the volar type or reverse Barton fracture. Barton fractures extend through the dorsal aspect to the articular surface but not to the volar aspect. Therefore, it is similar to a Colles fracture. There is usually associated dorsal subluxation/dislocation of the Radiocarpal joint... Read More»