V Vishnu Priya
Department of Biochemistry, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, IndiaPublications
Comparative Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Three Different Anti Diabetic Natural Compounds (Piperine, Lupeol, Beta Sitosterol)
Author(s): Hooriyah, V Vishnu Priya*, J Selvaraj, Gayathri R and Kavitha S
Background: Anti-inflammatory drugs interfere in the pathophysiological process of inflammation, to minimize tissue damage and provide greater comfort to the patient. The anti-inflammatory drugs in the market today cause a lot of side effects. Hence, it is important to develop new naturally occurring anti-inflammatory drugs. Aim: To evaluate and compare anti-inflammatory potential of Lupeol, Piperine and Beta Sitosterol. Materials and methods: Protein denaturation inhibition Assay was performed. All the information and reported studies concerning lupeol, piperine and beta sitosterol were summarized from library and digital databases (e.g. Google Scholar, Sci-finder, PubMed, Springer, Elsevier, MDPI, Web of Science, etc.). Statistical analysis was done using ONE-WAY-ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Range Tests. Data were analysed to check the statistical significance between the groups. Resul.. Read More»