Sohaib Fadhil Mohammed
Department of Conservative Dentistry College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, IraqPublications
Effect of 4 Different Irrigation Media on Cyclic Fatigue of 2 Different Files in Double Curved Simulated Canal
Author(s): Sohaib Fadhil Mohammed* and Linz Ali Shaalan
Background: Ni Ti mechanical properties is of great importance that give the files its flexibility and grant us a more convenience preparation in curved and double curved canals. Instrument separation during canal preparation is a common incidence, and a cyclic fatigue (metal fatigue) is a common reason. The aim of this study: is to compare the impact of 4 different irritant conditions on the cyclic fatigue of 2 kinds of NiTi instrument: forty One curve rotary files (taper 0.06, 0.25 tip size) (Micro Mega, France), forty Reciproc blue rotary files (taper 0.08, 0.25 tip size) (VDW, Munich, Germany), in a custom made double curved stainless steel artificial canal. Materials and Methods: eighty NiTi files are included in this analysis and divided into four subgroups for each main group A: Sodium hypochlorit.. Read More»