Shukra D Chivate
Department of Paediatric Physiotherapy, KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Nehru Nagar, Belagavi, Karnataka, IndiaPublications
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Manifestations in Diabetes Mellitus Type 1: A Cross-Sectional Study
Author(s): Deepa C Metgud, Shukra D Chivate and Revati J Nalawade*
Introduction: Musculoskeletal complications are most seen in patients with a longstanding history of DM type 1. Aim: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal manifestations associated with DM type 1 in Belagavi district. Materials and Methods: Out of a total of 200 participants with Diabetes Mellitus type 1, 95 participants with musculoskeletal problems were assessed for range of motion, pain, and muscle strength of the most affected joint. They were also screened for any deformities in the upper and lower limbs as well as interviewed for any activity limitations in functional tasks. The objective outcomes used were chippaux index and weight distribution during gait. Results: Our results showed that, musculoskeletal deformities were observed in 60% of the part.. Read More»