Shreya Srinivasan
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, IndiaPublications
Case Report
Malignant Melanoma or Pigmented Squamous Cell Carcinoma? A Diagnostic Enigma
Author(s): Shreya Srinivasan*, Vignesh NR, Sivaramakrishnan.S and K. Manoharan
Malignant melanoma, a neoplasm of the melanocytes must be closely differentiated from pigmented squamous cell carcinoma and pigmented basal cell epithelioma which are less invasive in comparison. We report a case of acral melanoma, wherein histopathology showed a horn pearl in addition to features of melanoma. Immunohistochemistry clinched the diagnosis thus revealing its utmost importance in diagnostics and we have reported this case to highlight the importance of a thorough clinical and laboratory work-up in any suspected case of melanoma since it is a highly invasive condition which requires aggressive therapy... Read More»