Samarth Shukla
Department of Pathology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi, Wardha,maharastra, IndiaPublications
Case Report
Nerve Sheath Myxoma-A Rare Case Report
Author(s): Satyam Singh*, Samarth Shukla, Sourya Acharya and Preeti Mishra
Nerve Sheath Myxoma, an infrequent benign soft tissue neoplasm of peripheral nerves emerges from nerve sheath was first illustrated by Harkin and Reed in 1969.Nerve Sheath Myxoma strike people of all peer category and same predisposition for both with most frequent area of occurrence being the fingers and knee. Here, we introduce a case report of nerve sheath myxoma of the Axilla, diagnosed and confirmed with histopathology... Read More»