Saif Saleh Ali Alhamyani
Cardiac Care Unit, King Abdul-Aziz Hospital, Taif,, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaPublications
Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery: Uses, Advantages, Complications and Cost
Author(s): Saif Saleh Ali Alhamyani and Tamer M Abdelrahman*
Time has witnessed a steady decline in invasive surgical procedures. Laparoscopic surgeries have gradually replaced traditional open surgeries due to lesser postoperative morbidity, shorter hospitalization, faster convalescence, and better cosmetic outcome. Taking a step further, laparoscopy and endoscopy have been brought together for an advanced surgical technique called Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES). In NOTES, no scar is caused on the skin surface. The abdomen is approached through a natural orifice–mouth, anus, urethra or vagina and peritoneal cavity is accessed by puncturing a visceral organ. In this article, we have reviewed current applications of NOTES by explaining about post-operative pain, post-operative recovery time, duration of hospital stays, associated complications and cost. A literature search on NOTES was carried out in different sear.. Read More»