Piyush Kumar Mishra
Department of Community Medicine, Nandkumar Singh Chouhan Government Medical College, Khandwa (East Nimar), Madhya Pradesh, IndiaPublications
Haematological Parameters in Covid-19 Patients-An East Nimar Hospital Based Study
Author(s): Rinku Bhagora, Bindu Singh Gaur, Rakesh Singh Hazari, Harshul Patidar* and Piyush Kumar Mishra
Background: The Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is caused by the virus SARS COV-2 and is declared as a global pandemic by WHO. It is known that in SARS COV-2 virus infection causes haematological changes and often present the potential to optimize the monitoring of infectious process or to indicate the suspicion of their severity. The present study was conducted to study the routine haematological parameters including NLR (Neutrophil lymphocyte Ratio) in Covid-19 patients and to assess their utility in identifying severity of the disease. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted on 257 Covid-19 RT PCR positive cases. The cases were divided into mild, moderate, and severe category as per MoHFW. Haematological parameters were measured by Fully Automated Hematology cell counter using blood sample collected in EDTA vacutainers. MS Excel was used for data analysis and ANOVA test.. Read More»