Pallavi Vishavkarma

Department of Orthodontics, Bhojia Dental College and Hospital, India


  • Research Article   

    Author(s): Eeshita Behl*, Isha Aggarwal, Sanjay Mittal, Merry and Pallavi Vishavkarma

    Introduction: Molar intrusion has always been a complicated and difficult treatment modality. Posterior teeth that are supra-erupted due to the early loss of their antagonists are commonly seen in adults that have limited or no access to dentistry during childhood and adolescence. Severely over-erupted molars or entire posterior segments pose a great challenge to the treating orthodontist. With regard to intruding posterior teeth, molar intrusion is a treatment option for patients with Anterior Open Bite (AOB); a malocclusion often characterized by the overeruption of the posterior teeth or/and under eruption of the anterior teeth. Aim: To compile and summarize the existing and advanced molar intrusive techniques and appliances with respect to their advantages and disadvantages, and their possible clinical effectiveness. Conclusion: We can utilize skeletal anchorage and surgically ass.. Read More»

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