Noora . Alshammari

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vision Colleges of Dentistry and Nursing, Saudi Arabia


  • Case Report   
    Acquired venous vascular malformation of the lip: A rare Case report.
    Author(s): Omar N. Elprince*, Noora . Alshammari, Saud F. Alhazzaa and Faleh A. Alshahrani

    Vascular malformations constitute a broad spectrum of pathologies involving the vascular structures of the human body. Vascular malformations constitute a broad spectrum of pathologies involving the vascular structures of the human body. The diagnostic complexity and the pathological management accordingly have been varied largely due to its varied spectrum of presentation. Management for vascular malformation has been reported to be varied from medical to minimally interventional and finally radical modalities. This case report demonstrates a venous vascular malformation which was attributed to be caused by a traumatic factor. In conclusion, traumatic events can lead to venous vascular malformation of the lip. Additionally, MRI along with a thoroughly clinical examination and patient’s history recording is mandatory to reach a proper diagnosis of vascular malformation types... Read More»

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