Manoj Patil
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Deemed to be University, Wardha, Maharashtra, IndiaPublications
Case Report
Contribution of Ayurveda in Augmenting Motor Function in a Child with Cerebral Palsy-A Case Report
Author(s): Renu B*, Achal Gupta, Sadhana Misar, Megha Rudey, Sumod Khedekar and Manoj Patil
Cerebral Palsy is non-progressive, non-contagious, neuro-motor deficit of cerebral origin due to antenatal, peri-natal or early postnatal insult to the developing brain, also known as Little’s disease. It can be allied with Vyadhijanya Phakka in Ayurveda. It has no permanent efficacy. Here, an effort was made to treat a toddler with spastic type of CP by multiple modalities of Ayurveda treatment. Objectives: This case study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Ayurveda management in CP along with Vasatherapy (Physio-ball exercise) and Panchkarma procedures. Materials and Methods: A female child of two years was brought by the parents with the complaints of not using any extremity, unable to hold the neck, sit and crawl, stand without support, improper posture of left feet, drooling of saliva and recurrent respiratory infections since age of 6 months. She had squint in both eyes.. Read More»