Lokman Cam
Department of Pediatrics, Nizamiye Hospital, Abuja, NigeriaPublications
Case Report
Pyoderma Gangrenosum with Extra-Cutaneous Manifestation and Elevated beta-2 Microglobulin in a Nigerian Child
Author(s): Lawan Musa Tahir*, Lokman Cam, Ramatu Muhammed Nafiu, Mesut Guler, Goksel Bahadir, Mehmet Sina Yilmaz and Senol Dane
Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an uncommon ulcerative cutaneous disease with unknown etiology. It is rare in children. It presents as a painful papular or papulo-pustular lesions which rapidly evolves into ulcers. Rarely, PG may present with extracutaneous manifestations. More than 50% of patients have underlying systemic diseases. Diagnosis is often delayed especially due to the absence of pathognomonic features. There are few reports of PG from Nigeria of which only one was child. We present a 10-year-old Nigerian boy who had PG with extra-cutaneous manifestation and elevated beta-2 microglobulin levels. Therefore, the elevated beta-2 microglobulin levels could be used as measures of diagnosis and improvement criteria of PG... Read More»