Keerthi Sasanka L
Department of Prosthodontics, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai, IndiaPublications
Financial Status of People who Undergo Dental Treatment
Author(s): Bipin, Dhanraj Ganapathy* and Keerthi Sasanka L
Dental caries is one of the major oral health issues in most of the developing countries. If these caries aren’t diagnosed and treated in early stages, it will lead to potential threats where some of the population were not able to afford the treatment. So early dental treatment would prevent severe destruction of oral health and also avoids expenses to proceed the dental treatment. This study was a questionnaire-based study done on the adult population with ethical permissions from the institutional research board. The questionnaire had 15 questions related to the attitude and knowledge about affordable financial status by every patient undergoing dental treatment. The questionnaire was put up in the Survey Planet - An online based Survey platform and responses were collected. 94.6% of the people in rural areas lag awareness about dental treatment and this seems to be a shockin.. Read More»