Kalpana Thalava

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences Affiliated to Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


  • Research   
    Multiple Doses Different from Single Dose in Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Voluntary Caesarean Fragment
    Author(s): Kalpana Thalava and G Jayalakshmi*

    To assess the efficacy of single-dose antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) vs. usual multiple-dose AP in individuals receiving elective caesarean section in terms of postoperative infectious sequelae. Reducing the amount of antibiotic doses will ease the likelihood of the formation of drug-resistant microorganisms and will also protect the majority group of cases from needless drug exposure. The single-dose antibiotic is secure, efficient, easy to use, and cost-efficient. It is also preferable in low-risk and regular caesarean section patients. In this era of developing antibiotic resistance, reducing antibiotic use has become a must, and this research has provided encouraging evidence in that regard. This research found that single-dose prophylactic antibiotics are just as effective as multiple-dose PA in elective routine cesarean sections... Read More»

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