Himabindu Reddy
Department of Community Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, DMIMS, Sawangi, Wardha, Maharastra, IndiaPublications
A Study To Evaluate The Effects Of Display Screen Equipments Amongst Clerical Staff Of DMIMS
Author(s): Abhishek Joshi*, Shreyash Huse, Aditya Dhonde, Himabindu Reddy and Ashok Mehendale
Background: DSE are equipment that have an alphanumeric and graphic display that consist laptops, tablets, computers, smartphones, CCTVs, etc. These are extensively used in the office environment. To coordinate with the health and protection (Display equipment’s) regulations 1992 many rules and regulations have been implemented worldwide. With this there would be no violation of legislation and also decreases the problem which may arise from use of display screen equipment’s too. Common health problems that clerical staff working on the DSEs may experience headache, fatigue, strain on eyes, body ache and back pain from more use of display screen equipment’s. Usually, the problems to the user are comparatively less in short term use but they could rise if proper practices are not followed. These issues can be capable from ineffectively planned workplace. The causes ma.. Read More»