Gopalsamy Santhanam Prabudoss
A Study on Fissure in Ano-Comparison between Topical Glyceryl Trinitrate (0.2%) and Lateral Anal Sphincterotomy
Author(s): R Sabarisan and Gopalsamy Santhanam Prabudoss*
These patients were broadly divided into two groups of 52 each who were treated by medical and surgical methods respectively by non- randomised control study. In this study, males were commonly affected than females. The most common age group were 41-50yrs.Fissure in ano is rare in children and old age. Majority of the patients presented with pain during defecation. Constipation was the major predisposing factor among all cases. Most of the fissures were located in the posterior midline. Most of the patients with fissures of long duration had sentinel skin tag and hypertrophied papilla. Anterior fissures were slightly more common in females. Two patients were IDV+ and one patient with history of tuberculosis had atypical lateral fissures... Read More»