Faris Suleiman Saleh Aldobekhi

Department of Anesthesia, College of Medicine, Majmaah University, Al Majmaah, 11952, Saudi Arabia


  • Case Report   
    Case Report: Anesthesia Management in a patient with Behcet
    Author(s): Faris Suleiman Saleh Aldobekhi*

    An inflammatory condition affecting multiple organs, Behcet's disease (BD) has no known cause. It is characterized by recurrent cases of genitourinary ulcers, oral mouth sores, various skin conditions, and eye lesions. A 38-year-old lady who had been suffering symptoms of something coming out of her anus for the previous three months went to the emergency room. Her illness has already been determined to be one of the signs of blindness in the right eye. The young adult was moderately wasted, fully awake, and afebrile, according to a physical examination. She noticed pus-filled discharge coming from both of his eyes. Along with throat thrush patches, she also experienced extensive labial mouth ulcers... Read More»

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