Elena N Klochko

Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Russia


  • Research   
    Covid-19: As a factor of Quarantine Measures Implementation in Russia
    Author(s): Irina A Akhmadullina*, Elena N Klochko, Sardaana A Lukina, Albina A Akhmadullina and Venera SH Yusupova

    This article serves as an introduction to the problem of the self-isolation regime compliance during COVID-19, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation. Much attention is given to the analyzing of the population opinion about quarantine measures connected with COVID-19. The research method was a population survey. The results show the dynamics of people's attitudes towards quarantine measures compliance. The following conclusions are drawn on the base of a study of the population opinion on the introduction of quarantine measures in connection during the new coronavirus infection. It has been found that 76.7% of respondents consider it reasonable to introduce self-isolation in connection with COVID-19. However, 21.7% of respondents disagree with the lawfulness of the introduced measures. Due to the mass media, the population adhered to the recommendations on observing t.. Read More»

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