Dini Ariani
STIKES Muhammadiyah Ciamis, Jawa Barat, IndonesiaPublications
The Effectiveness of Combination Effleurage Massage and Slow Deep Breathing Technique to Decrease Menstrual Pain in University Students
Author(s): Dini Ariani, Siti Sugih Hartiningsih*, Udin Sabarudin and Senol Dane
Introduction: Generally, menstruation happens to follow a regular pattern and it doesn’t have a problem; however, some women have severe menstrual pain. In the present study, the possible useful effects of a combination of Effleurage Massage and Slow Deep Breathing technique on primary menstrual pain were investigated. Methods: Thirty midwifery students with primary menstrual pain included in the study. The study was designed to measure the changes in menstrual pain score before and after combination Effleurage massage and Slow Deep Breathing technique. The therapy was applied only to the intervention group. A warm compress was applied to the control group. The Numeric Rating Scale was used to get pain scores. Pain scores were obtained one hour before and after therapy. Results: The decrease of pain scores or.. Read More»