Arvina Rajasekar
Effect of Stress on Periodontal Health: A Clinical Study
Author(s): Vindhiya Varshini V and Arvina Rajasekar*
Stress has become a part of one's life, which results in development of depression and anxiety. This psychological stress is generally thought to have a negative effect on periodontal health. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of stress on periodontal health among the dental students. A 10- item DAS (Depression, Anxiety and Stress) questionnaire designed to measure the severity of a range of symptoms common to DAS, a validated questionnaire was distributed among 100 undergraduate dental students of a private college. Followed by, periodontal parameters such as presence or absence of pocket depth of more than 3 mm and clinical attachment loss were assessed. The results obtained from the survey were tabulated, analysed and represented graphically using SPSS software (Version 23). Out of 100 students, 64% of them presented with pocket depth of more than 3mm and 63% of .. Read More»