Anjali Anna Thomas
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Saveetha Institute Of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, IndiaPublications
Research Article
Surface Characteristics of New and Retrieved Copper NiTi Archwires of Two Passive Self Ligating Systems
Author(s): Anjali Anna Thomas* and Harish Babu
Introduction: Surface characteristics of orthodontic archwires play a major role in determining their coefficient of friction. Surface character of an arch wire is inherent to an alloy used and the manufacturing process and surface treatment of the arch wire. Friction characters of an arch wire are an important factor when the archwire is used in passive self ligating brackets while aligning crowded and collapsed arch forms. Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the surface characteristics of new and retrieved CuNiTi archwires of two passive self-ligating brackets. Materials and methods: This in vivo study consisted of 4 groups, each group containing 10 archwire samples. Group 1: as received Tanzo CuNiTi; group 2: as received Damon CuNiTi; group 3: retrieved Tanzo CuNiTi; group 4: retrieved Damon CuNiTi. Tanz.. Read More»