A Radhakrishnan
Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital Affiliated to Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, IndiaPublications
Haematological Abnormalities in Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease
Author(s): E Halleys Kumar and A Radhakrishnan*
To assess the haematological abnormalities a decompensated chronic liver disease this study. was conducted in sree balaji medical college and hospital. About 100 patients were admitted as inpatients and out patients were taken up to assess the haematological profile. First all the patients were evaluated for the diagnosis of cirrhosis. Once the patient has been diagnosed, patients underwent haematological profile. Investigations such as ultrasound abdomen, UGI scopy were done to confirm the diagnosis. Then blood investigations such as RBC, WBC, platelets, reticulocyte count, peripheral smear were done to find out the type of anaemia, nature of anaemia, type of RBCS, WBC count and defects in platelets. All the investigations were done and results are obtained. According to the study the type of anaemia which is more prevalent in cirrhosis is normocytic normochromic anaemia. Microcytic .. Read More»