Covid-19: As a factor of Quarantine Measures Implementation in Russia
Author(s): Irina A Akhmadullina*, Elena N Klochko, Sardaana A Lukina, Albina A Akhmadullina and Venera SH Yusupova
This article serves as an introduction to the problem of the self-isolation regime compliance during COVID-19, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation. Much attention is given to the analyzing of the population opinion about quarantine measures connected with COVID-19. The research method was a population survey. The results show the dynamics of people's attitudes towards quarantine measures compliance. The following conclusions are drawn on the base of a study of the population opinion on the introduction of quarantine measures in connection during the new coronavirus infection. It has been found that 76.7% of respondents consider it reasonable to introduce self-isolation in connection with COVID-19. However, 21.7% of respondents disagree with the lawfulness of the introduced measures. Due to the mass media, the population adhered to the recommendations on observing the mask and glove regime and self-isolation in the amount of 88.3% of the respondents. For various reasons, not all citizens observed the self-isolation regime for a long time, as evidenced by the results: 40% - observed the self-isolation regime for the entire period, 51.7% - partially (only in public places), 8.3% - did not comply at all. At this time, only 68.3% of the respondents observe the regime in public places, and 31.7% do not consider it necessary. 56.7% of the respondents support the need to continue observing the mask and glove regime in public places. Most of all, the author was interested in the question of what motivated people to comply with quarantine measures. It turned out that almost half of the respondents were afraid of real infection (48.3%), a third of them were afraid of criminal and administrative liability (33.3%), a fifth of the population was under the influence of media propaganda (18.3%).
Summing up the results, it can be concluded that since the beginning of the measures adoption by the Government of the Russian Federation to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the majority of the surveyed population considered it necessary to observe self-isolation, using masks and gloves. Most of them believe that the measures taken by the Government were legitimate at the beginning of the quarantine, but the fact that now these measures are unnecessary opinions are divided approximately equally. In the first months of isolation, citizens were driven by the threat of a real infection with a new coronavirus infection. Part of the population was afraid of administrative and criminal liability for not observing quarantine measures.