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Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science (J. Res. Med. Dent. Sci.) was established in the year 2013 and ever since its inception the journal is continuously publishing peer-reviewed scientific articles. The Journal is a completely open access periodical disseminating latest insights, advancements and innovations in medical and dental sciences focusing on Human physiology, Surgical Science, Neonatal & Child Health, Mental Health, Dentistry, Pharmacology, Biomedical informatics and Nursing.
JRMDS aims to promote research in the field of Medicine and Dentistry while providing an opportunity for expression of individual opinions and critical reviews in health science. All articles are published at a monthly issue release frequency under Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC [4.0] in both PDF and HTML formats and accessible without any charge or embargo. The sections of the articles including abstracts and references are published exclusively in English language.
The Journal welcomes original research articles, systematic and critical reviews, short communications, and letters to editor, opinions and perspectives. All the submissions undergo quality assessment and peer-review and the final publishable articles are determined by the Editors. The Journal is listed in Gdansk University of Technology, Ministry, Index Copernicus. Researcher Life, Research Bible, Research Gate, ABCD index, CiteFactor, Resurchify, Ingenta Connect, Journal Seek, SJIF, Scinapse, Socolar, HINARI, Google Scholar, Euro Pub and Publons.
For any further queries regarding the journal you can contact: editor@jrmds.in and or dentalmedicine@emedicalsciences.com