Worm Infestation among All Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) Mothers

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Research Article - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 12

Worm Infestation among All Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) Mothers

M. Saranya, M. Sivasakthi and AR. Bharathi*

*Correspondence: AR. Bharathi, Department of Nursing, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Selaiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Email:

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Worm infestation is an infection on by a type of intestinal parasite in the roundworm group. Initially there may be itching and a rash at the site of infection. There may be no symptoms in those only affected byway few worms. In those infected by many worms there may be abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and feeling tired. The mental and physical and physical development of children may be affected. Children are the valuable asset for any society. Today’s children are the builders of future nations. Their well-being is the basic concern of every nation. A healthy child brings happiness to the entire family. Worm infestation, refers to the invasion of worm. Worms are parasites which infest to keep living with the host with minimal or even without any symptoms or complaints. Worm infestation is common in children all over the world. Worms may be of many sizes and shapes from microscopic Pin worm to Tape worm that are several feet long. These worms live in the intestine. In the present study was aimed to assess the level of knowledge on worm infestation with selected demographic variables.


Worm infestation, Round worm, Abdominal pain, Pin worm, Tape worm


Intestinal worm infestation are widely prevalent in tropical and subtropical countries and occur where there is poverty and poor sanitation. Soil transmitted helminth infections from the most important group of intestinal worms affecting two billion people worldwide and the main species which infect are ascaris lumbrocoides, round worms, ring worms.According to WHO globally there are 1221-1472 million cases of ascariasis 750- 1050 million cases of trichuriasis. These STHs are also considered Neglected Tropical disease as they inflict considerable morbidity and mortality through entierly preventable [1].

The burden of disease due to these intestinal parasites is an estimated 22.1 million disability adjusted life years lost for hookworm 10.5 million for ascaris and 6.4 million for trichuris. Approximately 10,500 deaths each year due to anemia caused by hookworm infection. WHO recommends periodic administration of albendazole 500mg for control of SHT. The global targets is to eliminate morbidity due to SHT in children by 2020.

The present station where this study had been carried out is located in a mountainous region in northern part of the country and is known to be highly endemic for intestinal worm infestations, mainly SHT. With this in the backdrop the present study has been undertaken to assess the parasite load in the target population with primary focus on STH; and evaluate the efficacy of anthelminthic drugs using a protocol which was standardized in terms of the treatment and follow up i.e. Repeat stool test 14-21 days after the administration of standard doses of drugs to evaluate the cure rate. Worm infestation is a major public health problem. It has been estimated that more than 25% of the world's population are infected with worms, with the major incident occur in developing countries. It is one of the health concerns especially among children [2].

Helminthic infections are more prevalent among'school children aged 5-14 years. More than 610 million children of school age are risk of morbidity due to schistosomiasis or soil transmitted helminthiases.

Overall they constitute 12 percent of total disease burden in children. The main cause of high morbidity and mortality rates due to worm infestation are poor sanitary conditions open defecation, poor hand washing facilities and ingestion of contaminated water and vegetables. This risk is further aggravated by lack of awareness regarding prevention of worm infestation among children and parents especially mothers.

It deteriorates health status of child and leads to malnutrition, anemia stuned physical and mental growth, psycho-social problems. It also causes recurrent gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infection.

Awareness is a key to prevention of much disease. Health and hygenic education among school children reduces the transmission and re infection by encouraging healthy behaviors. Increasing children's awareness of the problem can held to compact the disease. With this view in mind, researcher felt the need to conduct the present study to assess the knowledge of students regarding prevention of worm infestation so as to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates in school [3].

A study to assess the knowledge of worm infestation among under five children in conununity group.

Materials and Methods

The Research methodology provides a brief description of the method adopted by the investigator in this study. This chapter deals with research approach, research design, the setting of the study, the population sample criteria for selection description of the tool, procedure for data collection, plan for data analysis.

Study population:

The target population of this study is all toddler mother who attend the anganwadi.

Sample size

The sample size consisted of 25 toddler mother.

Sampling technique

Purposive sampling technique was followed in this study is used, where the researcher is interested in getting in "judgmental ’ sampling The sample was collected by hand picking few samples which falls in our inclusion criteria.

Criteria for sample selection

Sample was selected based on the following criteria.

Inclusion criteria

All toddler mothers

• Who can understand and speak in Tamil & English

• Who were willing to participate in the study

• Able to follow the instruction

Exclusion criteria

< Above 3 years children having mothers

< Illiterate mothers.

Research design

Pre and posttest evaluation

Variable under study

• Age

• Education

• Income

Settings of the study

The study was conducted at Nandhivaram primary health center. The study population comprised of random Sampling. The sample size consists of 30 people.

Sample selection

• People who were willing to participate in this study.

• People who can speak and understand Tamil.

Sampling technique

The people who random samplings were meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the study.


Data collected from 25 ICDS mothers children in selected area of Guduvancherry, to assess the worm infestation among ICDS mothers have been analyzed and tabulated according to plan for data analysis and are interpreted under the following heading.

The data analysed is grouped and organized as follows:

Assessment of demographic variables of ICDS mothers children.

Table 1: Frequency and percentage distribution Of demographic variable of age of ICDS childrens. Demographic variables Selected Group
Frequency Percentage
1 Age 2 years 12 0.48
3 years 6 0.24
4 years 7 0.28

Table 2: Frequency and percentage distribution of demographic variable of economic status of ICDS mothers. Demographic variables Selected Group
Frequency Percentage
2 Economic status Poor 14 0.56
middle 11 0.44

Table 3: Frequency and percentage distribution of demographic variable of hygienic status of ICDS mothers. N=25. Demographic variables Selected Group
Frequency Percentage
3 Hygienic status Poor hygiene 7 0.28
Good hygiene 11 0.44
Moderate hygiene 8 0.28

Table 4: Frequency and percentage distribution of demographic variable of educational status of ICDS mothers. N=25 Demographic variables Selected Group
Frequency Percentage
4 Educational status Uneducated 4 0.16
Literate 15 0.6
graduate 6 0.24
Others 0 0

Table 5: Frequency and percentage distribution of demographic variable of residence of ICDS mothers. N=25 Demographic variables Selected Group
Frequency Percentage
5 residence rural 25 1

Table 6: Frequency and percentage distribution of demographic variable of drainage facilities of ICDS mothers. N=25 Demographic variables Selected Group
Frequency Percentage
6 Drainage facilities Closed drainage 16 0.64
Open drainage 9 0.36

With regards to age, in the group the majority of the under five children 12 (48%) were aged2years, 6(24%) were aged in 3 years, 7 (28%) were aged in 4 years.

With regards to economic status in the study group the under five childrens 14 (56%) were poor Socioeconomic status and 11 (44%) were middle socio economic status.

With regards to hygienic practice in the study group the under five children 7(28%) were poor hygienic practice,!

1(44%) were good hygienic practice and 8(28%)were moderate hygienic practice.

With regards to educational level of themother4 ( 16%) were uneducated mothers, 15 ( 60%) were studied in 1-1 Oth standard, 6(24%) were studied in degree courses.

With regards to residence area 25(100%) were in rural community.

With regards to environmental sanitation 16(64%) were using closed drainage system and 9(36%) were using open drainage system.

With regards to nutritional status 12(48%) were vegetarian and 13(52%) were non¬vegetarian.


This chapter deals with discussion of the results of the data analyzed based on the objectives of the study. The problem statement is A study to assess knowledge of worm infestation among ICDS mother's. The research design adopted in this study was pre experimental research design. The study findings are discussed with in the reference to the objectives stated in chapter I [3].

Demographic Variables

>With regards to age, in the group the majority of the under five children 12 (48%) were aged2years, 6(24%) were aged in 3 years, 7 (28%) were aged in 4 years.

> With regards to economic status in the study group the under five childrens 14 (56%) were poor Socioeconomic status and 11 (44%) were middle socio economic status.

>With regards to hygienic practice in the study, group the under five children 7(28%) were poor hygienic practice,! 1(44%) were good hygienic practice and 8(28%)were moderate hygienic practice .

>With regards to educational level of themother4 ( 16%) were uneducated mothers, 15 ( 60%) were studied in 1-1 Oth standard, 6(24%) were studied in degree courses.

>With regards to residence area 25(100%) were in rural community.

>With regards to environmental sanitation 16(64%) were using closed drainage system and 9(36%) were using open drainage system.

>With regards to nutritional $tatus 12(48%) were vegetarian and 13(52%) were non vegetarian [4].


The findings this studies to assess the knowledge of worm infestation among ICDS mothers. The result of this present study show that ICDS mothers have adequate knowledge of worm infestation there is a need for emphasis on the national and global level on the importance of worm’infestation [ 5].

Ethical Approval

The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee.

Conflict if Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The encouragement and support from University, Chennai, India is gratefully acknowledged for providing the laboratory facilities to carry out the research work.


Author Info

M. Saranya, M. Sivasakthi and AR. Bharathi*

Department of Nursing, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Selaiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Citation: M.Saranya, M.Sivasakthi, AR. Bharathi Worm Infestation among All Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) Mothers, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2021, 9(11): 1-4

Received: 01-Dec-2021 Accepted: 15-Dec-2021 Published: 22-Dec-2021