Research Article - (2023) Volume 11, Issue 2
To Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching on Knowledge Regarding the Benefits of Outdoor Play among School Going Children
Archana Taksande*, Vaishnavi Mahantare, Aishwarya Rathod, Apeksha Makode, Pragti Meghe, Mehnaz Khan and Saranga Motghare
*Correspondence: Dr. Archana Taksande, Department of Child Health Nursing, Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing, Wardha, Maharashtra, India, Email:
Introduction: Play is the key center of a healthy child’s life. Play provides the opportunities to be free, creative and expressive. The importance of play for children’s healthily development is grounded in a strong body of research. As a natural and compelling activity, play promotes cognitive, physical, social, emotional well being. Outdoor plays give us all benefits of physical exercise. Outdoor play is open air games. So, we breathe in plenty of fresh air. We breathe in plenty for oxygen. Play is crucial for your child social, emotional, physical, cognitive growth.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge of school going children regarding benefits of outdoor play. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children. To associated the knowledge with the selected demographic variable.
Materials and methods: Research approach evaluative, research design-pre experimental one group pre test post test design was used setting of the study school in Wardha. Sample student at school, sample size 100.
Results: The study finding show that in pretest score, 42.40%. The finding show that in pre test score, 5% of subjects were having poor knowledge 83% of subject were having average knowledge, 12% having good knowledge and 0% subject having excellent knowledge. However in post test score was 86% in which 0% of subjects were having poor knowledge, 0% having average knowledge and 21% having good knowledge and 79% having excellent knowledge. The tabulated value for n=100, i.e., 99 degree of freedom was 1.98. The calculated values are much higher than the tabulated values at 5% values level of significance for overall and areas wise knowledge is statistically level of significances. hence, it is statically interrelated that the plan teaching regarding benefits of outdoor play effective. So thus H1 is acceptable. There is no significant association between age, gender, school performance, type of family and income with knowledge score.
Conclusion: Play promotes cognitive, physical, social, emotional well being. So it is benefited to the school going children.
Benefits of outdoor play, Physical, Emotional, Cognitive growth
Play is the key center of a healthy child’s life. Play provides the opportunities to be free, creative and expressive. In play children expand their understanding of themselves and others, their ability to communicate with peers and adults. Play is the business of the childhood allowing child free rein to experiment with the world around him and the emotional world inside child [1].
As adult we know the learn through doing. It is same for all children. Playing outside the home is the natural inclination of kids. Outdoor plays give us all benefits of physical exercise. Outdoor play is open air games. So, we breathe in plenty of fresh air. We breathe in plenty for oxygen. Play is crucial for your child social, emotional, physical, cognitive growth [2]. According to the world health organization Portugal is the second European country with the highest values of overweight among children with 11 year old (32%), being preceded by Greece (33%) and preceded by Ireland (30%). Also, Play in green outdoor environment promotes higher level of attention and well being. Today children’s live are more and more contained and controlled by small apartment, high stakes academic instruction, schedules tense tried and overworked parents, and by fewer opportunities to be children. Outdoor environment fulfill children’s basic needs for freedom experimentation, risks taking and just being children [3].
Outdoor education allows children to have a wide prospective about things, because there is a wide world surrounding them outside [4]. During early childhood, children acquire fundamental a concepts through active involvement with environment. Learning ought to be supported both in class activities and outdoor activities contributing to structuring knowledge [5].
Objective of the study
• To assess the knowledge of benefits of outdoor play among school going children.
• To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children.
• To learning and assessment activities will help child to achieve the subject aim.
H1: There will be significant association between pretest knowledge and post-test with selected demographic variables among school going children.
H2: There will be a significant effectiveness planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play among school going children.
They may have some knowledge regarding the benefits of outdoor play among school going children.
Materials and Methods
Research approach evaluative approach research design pre experimental one group pre-test posttest design was used setting of the study the school of wardha [6]. Sample school going children, sample size 100 (Table 1 and Figure 1).
Demographic variables | No. of school going children | Percentage (%) |
Age (yrs) | ||
11 yrs | 14 | 14 |
12-13 yrs | 86 | 86 |
Gender | ||
Male | 61 | 61 |
Female | 39 | 39 |
Family income per month | ||
Rs 5001-10000 | 6 | 6 |
Rs 10001-15000 | 21 | 21 |
Rs 15001-20000 | 41 | 41 |
>Rs 20000 | 32 | 32 |
Children school performance | ||
Excellent | 85 | 85 |
Good | 15 | 15 |
Average | 0 | 0 |
Poor | 0 | 0 |
Type of family | ||
Nuclear | 93 | 93 |
Joint | 7 | 7 |
Table 1: Percentage wise distribution of school going children according to their demographic characteristics (n=100).

Figure 1: Assessment with knowledge score.
The graph shows that 5% of the school going children in pretest had poor level of knowledge score, 83% had average, 12% in pre test and 21% in post test had good level of knowledge score and 79% of the school going children in post test had excellent level of knowledge score. Minimum knowledge score in pretest was 5 and in post test it was 14, maximum knowledge score in pretest was 12 and in post test it was 20. Mean knowledge score in pretest was 8.44 ± 1.70 and in post test it was 17.22 ± 1.66 and mean percentage of knowledge score in pre test was 42.20 ± 8.53 and in post test it was 86.10 ± 8.30 [7].
Results and Discussion
Present study conducted in Wardha and subject was selected through non-probability convenient sampling technique. The tool for data collection was structural knowledge questionnaire. The pre test was conducted on the first day followed by planned teaching and post test was conducted on seventh day. The findings show that in pre test scores, 42.40%. the finding show that in pre test score, 5% of subjects were having poor knowledge 83% of subject were having average knowledge, 12% having good knowledge and 0% subject having excellent knowledge [8]. However in post test score was 86% in which 0% of subjects were having poor knowledge, 0% having average knowledge and 21% having good knowledge and 79% having excellent knowledge. Hence it was statistically interpreted that post test knowledge score is higher than the pretest knowledge score.
A pre experimental study was conducted by Ariya S Karup, Prof v he, Avatty in Chennai on benefits of outdoor play among children’s adult. The research design for this study is one group pretest-post test design. The investigator has used a simple random sampling- lottery method. Sample size 60 School going children (10 years to 11 years) who are studying in Khalsapublic school, durg, Chhattisgarh. Tools are divided in two sections Section-A: Isociodemographic variables, demographic profile of study parameters, Section-B: Questionaries regarding benefits of outdoor play. The pilot study was conducted in D.A.V public school, Hudco, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, reliability of tool was found, r=0.78. The major findings that in pretest knowledge score reveled poor knowledge 41.67%, average 58.33%, mean is 11.23, SD 5.4, CV 48.09 while the post test knowledge score has been increased to good 40% and 60% were excellent, mean 30.87, SD 1.56, CV 5.05.The t-test revealed 26.50 was found highly effective i.e., video assisted teaching programmed was found highly effective in increasing the knowledge of the children regarding benefits of outdoor play [9].
Nursing implication
Nursing administration: Finding of the study can be used by the nursing administrate in creating policies and plans for providing education to the students. This will contributable the students to increase knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play recognition of changes in health and request for appropriate interventions.
Nursing education
The study suggests that health teaching should be given prime importance in nursing training practice. The findings recommended the educationalist at various educational level to planned, develop and utilize various methods of health education and exposed student vey often to such settings [10]. The study also explains the need for clinical research in improving training practice, since the trainees are resource nursing professionals.
Nusing research
It is very essential to know information regarding benefits of outdoor play for being healthy. Thus it is necessary to educate the students, it is also essential to assess their knowledge regarding outdoor play [11]. This study reveals that there is poor knowledge among school going children. This problem needs further research to explore it.
Nursing practice
The findings would help the nurse fractioned to develop in sight to the importance of health education in their clinical practice in maintaining health of society. The study can be used as a guide in planning health education in their daily practice.
After the detailed analysis, this study leads to the following conclusion: The pre experimental study has brought out an important relationship between the studies variables. The students do not have sufficient knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play. There was a significant increase in the knowledge of subject after the introduction of planned teaching. To find the effectiveness of planned teaching student ‘t’ test was applied and t value was calculated, post test score was significantly higher at 0.05 level than that of pretest score. Thus it was concluded that planned teaching on knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play was found effective as a teaching strategy. Demographic variable did not show a major role in influencing the pretest and posttest knowledge score among children. Hence based on the above cited finding, it was concluded undoubtedly that the written prepared material by the investigator in the form of planned teaching helps the children to improve knowledge regarding benefits of outdoor play. The above study shows that majority 0.00% of subject were having poor knowledge, 21% having good knowledge and 79% having excellent knowledge. Hence it was statistically interpreted that post test knowledge score is higher than the pretest knowledge score.
On the basis of the findings of the study it is recommended that the following studies can be conducted.
• Study can be replicated a larger sample to validate the findings of present study.
• Comparative study may be undertaken to find out the difference in knowledge among school going children of benefits of outdoor play
• Similar study can be undertaken with a control group design for other categories.
• An experimental study can be undertaken to be validate and standardize the information guide sheet.
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Author Info
Archana Taksande*, Vaishnavi Mahantare, Aishwarya Rathod, Apeksha Makode, Pragti Meghe, Mehnaz Khan and Saranga Motghare
Department of Child Health Nursing, Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing, Wardha, Maharashtra, IndiaCitation: Archana Taksande, Vaishnavi Mahantare, Aishwarya Rathod, Apeksha Makode, Pragti Meghe, Mehnaz Khan, Saranga Motghare, To Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching on Knowledge Regarding the Benefits of Outdoor Play among School Going Children, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2023, 11 (02): 021-024.
Received: 29-Dec-2021, Manuscript No. JRMDS-23-91802; , Pre QC No. JRMDS-23-91802(PQ); Editor assigned: 03-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. JRMDS-23-91802(PQ); Reviewed: 17-Jan-2022, QC No. JRMDS-23-91802; Revised: 31-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. JRMDS-23-91802(R); Published: 28-Feb-2023