Incisional Hernia-A Comprehensive Study of Patients Admitted in Sree Balaji Medical College Hospital

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
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Research - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 7

Incisional Hernia-A Comprehensive Study of Patients Admitted in Sree Balaji Medical College Hospital

Audipudi Venkata Ajit and Gopalsamy Santhanam Prabudoss*

*Correspondence: Gopalsamy Santhanam Prabudoss, India,

Author info »


Incisional Hernia is a condition that appears on the layers of the abdominal walls wherein already some incisions are made and are undesirable sequel of surgery which is an iatrogenic problem. Though the overall incidence of incisional hernia is just 9.9% it a very significantly reported in case of midline incisions than transverse incisions. The abdominal walls are very complexly arranged, layered with segmentally The abdominal wall is an anatomically complex, layered structure with segmentally derived blood supply and innervation.


Hernia, Incision, Abdominal wall


Incisional hernia is hernia that will appear generally on the walls of the abdomen. When comparing the incidence of the hernial type, middle incision type was more common when compared to the lateral one. Though many advancements in the pre and post-operative care of the surgery are done currently by the surgeons, understanding the mechanism and management of incisional hernia is very important. Hence this study focuses on risk factors, prevention of occurrence and management of incisional hernias. Because of this awareness more consideration is being given to the choice of incision, selection of sutures, techniques of wound closure and factors modifying wound healing [1-5]. This study focuses on risk factors, prevention of occurrence and management of incisional hernias.

Materials and Methods

Study design

Patients reported to have incisional hernia were taken for the study. Details of the present surgery, onset of hernia, site of incisional hernia, method of repair, recurrence were studied.


From our study it was observed that incisional hernia was more common in female (92%), age of 40-50, this was high due to caesarean sections at younger ages. Also, emergency cases were also the reason.

The predisposing factors were prolonged hospital stay, pulmonary infections, cough breathlessness.

It was also observed that the onset time was within six months of previous surgery (56%). the different type of incision is depicted in Figure 1 below.


Figure 1: Types of incisions.

It was also found that mesh method of repair system was predominantly being done and only 18% of the patients developed post-operative complaints (Figure 2).


Figure 2: Complications.


From this study it was found that the main reason for the condition is due to sterilization surgeries and 9 on 50 patients were obese as compared to a previous study confirming the more prevalence in obese patients. Lower midline incision was more common when compared to the other type. The choice of repair mechanism was depending mainly on the size of the hernia and general condition. In fact, many did well after the surgery. More care is needed during emergency surgical procedures to avoid incisional hernia Though its preventable [6-11].


No funding sources.

Ethical Approval

The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The encouragement and support from Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, is gratefully acknowledged. For provided the laboratory facilities to carry out the research work.


Author Info

Audipudi Venkata Ajit and Gopalsamy Santhanam Prabudoss*


Citation: Audipudi Venkata Ajit, Gopalsamy Santhanam Prabudoss, Incisional Hernia-A Comprehensive Study of Patients Admitted in Sree Balaji Medical College Hospital, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2021, 9(7): 292-293

Received: 07-Jul-2021 Accepted: 22-Jul-2021