Patterns of Systemic Comorbidities in Patients Presenting With Cataract in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
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Research Article - (2024) Volume 12, Issue 6

Patterns of Systemic Comorbidities in Patients Presenting With Cataract in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Avleen Kaur*

*Correspondence: Avleen Kaur, Department of Ophthalmology, India, Email:

Author info »


Introduction: Cataract is a gradually progressive disease of the eye which is defined as the clouding of the normally clear lens or its capsule. It is a significant cause of blindness around the world which requires removal of cataract by surgical means. The results of cataract surgery can be significantly impacted by the presence of a variety of preoperative systemic disorders. In India, age-related cataracts that require surgery are increasingly prevalent, and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and heart problems are becoming more and more common. Aim: To determine the pattern of systemic comorbidities and study the sociodemographic characteristics in patients presenting with cataract. Material and methods: This prospective, hospital based, observational study was conducted in the eye OPD OF Department of Ophthalmology, Government Medical College Jammu over a period of 1 year from November 2021 to October 2022. A total of 500 patients were included in the study. Data was collected using a structured proforma and analysed using SPSS inc. v.16. Results: The present study found that the most common affected age group to be 61 to 70 years with females (53.6%) preponderance. The majorities (62.2%) of participants were from rural area and hypertension was the most common associated systemic comorbidity in our study patients (10.6%). Conclusion: It is essential to properly manage and evaluate systemic comorbidities prior to cataract surgery in order to prevent any pre-operative, intra operative or post-operative visual outcomes in such patients. Adequate measures should be undertaken wherever possible in order to enhance visual results.


Cataract is a gradually progressive disease of the eye which is defined as the clouding of the normally clear lens or its capsule. It is a significant cause of blindness around the world which requires removal of cataract by surgical means [1]. Presence of various preoperative systemic diseases can have a significant effect on the outcomes of cataract surgery [2]. Age-related cataracts that require surgery are very common in India, and the frequency of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and heart condition is raising quickly [3]. The increasing prevalence of neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular pathologies and osteoarticular processes has a great impact on the society. In order to appropriately manage eye disorders, it is pivotal to achieve an early and accurate diagnosis of systemic diseases. This type of integrated approach is essential to prevent blindness and comorbidities [4]. The previously available data showed that diabetic patients who underwent cataract surgery resulted in increased central macular thickness but decreased choroidal thickness due to choroidal metabolic suppression and resulting in decrease in sub foveal choroidal thickness leading to vision impairments [5]. As well as various studies have shown that the increased levels of different systemic inflammatory markers including IL-6, TNF-alpha and C-reactive protein in patients with hypertension, which are believed to promote formation of cataract [6].

Materials and Methods

This prospective, hospital based, observational study was conducted in the eye OPD of Department of Ophthalmology, Government Medical College Jammu over a period of 1 year from November 2021 to October 2022 after due approval from Institutional Ethics Committee of GMC, Jammu vide letter no. IEC/GMC/2022/959. A total of 500 patients presenting with cataract and having systemic co-morbidities were included in the study after obtaining the informed consent. A detailed history was taken and a thorough systemic and ocular examination was done for all patients which included visual acuity analysis using Snellen’s visual acuity chart, intraocular pressure measurement using non-contact tonometer, slit lamp examination to evaluate anterior segment and grade the cataract, fundus examination using a 90-D non-contact slit lamp bio microscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy on a fully dilated pupil and a USG B-Scan in patients where fundus could not be visualised due to hazy media. The data was collected using a structured proforma, recorded in Microsoft Excel sheet and the statistical analysis was done using SPSS inc. v.16.

Results and Observations

In our study the most common affected age group was 61 to 70 years (Table 1) with female (53.6%) preponderance (Figure 1).

Up to 50 years 11 2.2
51-60 years 116 23.2
61-70 years 195 39
71-80 years 133 26.6
81-90 years 44 8.8
>90 years 1 0.2

Table 1: Age distribution of patients (N=500)


Figure 1. Gender distribution of patients.

Our study found that the most common type of cataract was nuclear sclerosis grade II (NS II) seen in 27.1% of patients (Table 2).

Ocular comorbidities Right eye    Left eye  
No. % No. %
NS grade I 22 4.4 21 4.2
NS grade II 149 29.8 122 24.4
NS grade III 59 11.8 79 15.8
NS grade IV 1 0.2 6 1.2
CC 30 6 33 6.6
PSC 40 8 57 11.4
MSC 115 23 107 21.4
PPC 10 2 7 1.4
ASC 1 0.2 68 13.6
None 73 14.6 21 4.2

Table 2: Grade of cataract patients

It was found that majority (62.2%) of participants were from rural area in our study (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Area of living of patients.

Our study showed that (64%) participants reported no systemic co morbidity and hypertension was the most common systemic comorbidity reported in 10.6% of study participants (Table 3).

None 320 64
Hypertension 53 10.6
Multiple comorbidities 51 10.2
Type 2 DM 46 9.2
Heart Disease 8 1.6
Rheumatoid Arthritis 7 1.4
Bronchial Asthma 4 0.8
Thyroid disorder 10 2
Chronic Kidney disease 1 0.2

Table 3: Associated Systemic Comorbidities in cataract patients

In our study most study participants were in the age group of 61 to 70 years with female preponderance. The majority (62.2%) of participants were from rural area. These findings are consistent with previous studies [7-11]. The most common type of cataract was nuclear sclerosis grade II seen in 27.1% of patients [12]. The present study concluded that hypertension was the most common systemic comorbidity reported among cataract patients [13]. This study has limitations as it included only the patients attending Eye OPD. We need more such studies on a bigger scale with varied population and sample size to determine the pattern of systemic comorbidities in patients presenting with cataract.


This study concludes that it is essential to properly manage and evaluate systemic comorbidities prior to cataract surgery in order to prevent any pre-operative, intra operative or post-operative visual outcomes in such patients. Adequate measures should be undertaken wherever possible in order to enhance visual results.


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Author Info

Avleen Kaur*

Department of Ophthalmology, GMC, Jammu, India

Received: 29-May-2024 Published: 27-Jun-2024