Use of Digital Library of Medicine by Faculty Members and it | 1472

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Use of Digital Library of Medicine by Faculty Members and its Effect on Scientific Production

Author(s): Zohre Sorinezami, Reza Hakimi, Mohammad Ali Tabasi


This study evaluated the use of digital library of medicine by ZUMS faculty members and its effect on their scientific production. This study was a descriptive survey. Data was collected by a researcher-made questionnaire. Reliability of the questionnaire was estimated at 0.87 using Cronbach's alpha. The studied population consisted of ZUMS faculty members. Krejcie-Morgan table was used to determine the sample size (171). Results were analyzed using SPSS-20 software. the most used databases were Scopus and Elsevier. The results showed that the use of digital library of medicine was effective on knowledge production. Chi-square test showed that faculty members significantly had scientific production. Faculty members used digital library to produce research papers in foreign languages (66.7%) and Farsi (58.5%), present papers at national conferences (64.3%) and international conferences (56.1 %). the results showed that faculty members did not use all facilities of digital library; however, this limited use had a very important role in their scientific production.


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