Urea Reduction Ratio as an Indicator of Dialysis Adequacy in | 87843

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Urea Reduction Ratio as an Indicator of Dialysis Adequacy in Hemodialysis Patients

Author(s): Merlin vincy and S.V Mythili*


To compare the adequacy of hemodialysis by Urea Reduction Ratio in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing twice weekly hemodialysis with those undergoing thrice weekly dialysis. To compare the same in patients with comorbid conditions like cardiac failure, Hepatitis C Virus infection, hyponutrition, Diabetes & Hypertension. To analyse the influence of inter dialytic weight gain on lJRR in the same groups. Urea Reduction Ratio is adequate in thrice weekly hemodialysis patients when compared to twice weekly group. In patients with both diabetes and hypertension, URR was less than 65% in both thrice weekly & twice weekly dialysis patients. Hence patients with both diabetes and hypertension need better control and regular thrice weekly dialysis with longer duration. In patients with Hepatitis C Virus infection, even thrice weekly dialysis could not give adequate URR.

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