Two Years Clinical Evaluation of Sonic-Resin Placement System with Self-Etch and Total-Etch Adhesive Modes
Author(s): Didem Atabek*, Nagehan Aktaş and Didem Sakaryalı Uyar2
Introduction: Incrementally placed composite resins are preferred due to several advantages such as lower polymerization shrinkage, stresses, and cavity configuration factor. However, in recent years, bulk-fill composites are started to be used as resin-based, tooth-colored restorative materials that incorporate increased polymerization depth and also decreased polymerization shrinkage stresses. Aim: The objective of this split-mouth controlled study is to compare two-years clinical performance of two restorative techniques and materials with self-etched and total-etched adhesive modes. Materials and Methods: Sixty child-patients, aged between seven-16 received two Class I cavities on a total of 120 first and second permanent molar teeth performed with one of two systems: incrementally placed conventional posterior composite resin and sonic-resin placement system with either self-etch or total-etch adhesive systems. According to the United States Public Health Service modified criteria, two blind observers evaluated restorations at sixth, ninth months, one and two years recalls. Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used to compare the clinical performance of the restorative systems. Results: Although there was no statistically significant difference amongst all the groups at the end of two-years, the best results were obtained for self-etched sonic-resin placement system in terms of marginal continuity (p<0.05). Conclusions: Sonic-resin placement system demonstrated high clinical success with both adhesive systems similar with conventional composite resin. So, considering advantages of providing practice facilities up to five mm single-layer; adjustability of the viscosity; short chair-time; self-etched sonic resin placement system seems to be a good alternative for posterior class I composite restorations.