Tort Liability of Medical Activity Subjects for Improper Pro | 60626

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Tort Liability of Medical Activity Subjects for Improper Provision of Medical Services

Author(s): Anastasiya Nikolaevna Larionova*, Damir Khamitovich Valeev and Nikita Nikolayevich Makolkin


Currently, attention is being increasingly focused on human rights in the field of health care, the number of criminal cases and civil proceedings is growing in this area, the population's demands on the health care quality are increasing, new medical technologies are being introduced, which corresponds to the complexity of legal structures in the field of legal regulation. In this regard, knowledge of medical law is the key to success and protection of healthcare professionals, as well as social development. An important task has been set for the healthcare workers - to obtain and improve knowledge of the basic laws in the field of public health care, to know and be able to use the sources of medical law, to be able to apply it within the performance of their professional and official duties. As a rule, the provision of medical services of inadequate quality causes patient's dissatisfaction or leads to a violation of the terms and conditions of the contract, as well as entails harm to the health and life of a person purchasing the medical service. Tort liabilities, being one of the types of civil obligations, have their inherent elements and structural features that determine any civil obligations legal relationship.

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