The Treatment of Exostosis Cavum Nasal | 1511

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Treatment of Exostosis Cavum Nasal

Author(s): Puspa Zuleika, Denny Satria Utama, Abla Ghanie, Yoan L Magdi, Adelien


Exostosis was a benign overgrowth bony tissue protruding out from the surface of the bone abnormally. These lesions may occur in any bone or cartilage. ENT-HN field, cases of exostosis were commonly locate in the ear canal (Surfer's ear). Paranasal sinuses exostosis was rare reported and in nasal cavity had yet not been reported. Pathogenesis of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus exostosis remains uncertain, alleged exposure to water or cold air causes exostosis growth in the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. Diagnosis was determined on anamnesis, physical examination, investigations findings such as computed tomography and histopathologic examination as a definitive diagnostic tool. Management exostosis is extirpation with endoscopic guidance. To present the management of a 28-year-old woman with a diagnosis of nasal exostosis this extends to oropharynx through choana. Case: Reported a 28-year-old woman with a diagnosis of nasal exostosis which extends to oropharynx through choana and has been manage by extirpating the mass with intranasal endoscopic approach and transchoana. After six months follow up with nasoendoscopic assessment there was no recurrent exostosis found. Management: We reported one case of a 28-year-old woman with a diagnosis of sinonasal exostosis which extends to oropharynxthrough choana and has been manage by extirpating the mass withintranasal endoscopic approach and transchoana. After six months follow up with nasoendoscopic assessment there was no recurrent exostosis in medical treatment. Nasal exostosis is extremely rare cases with unclear pathophysiology. Diagnosis was determined on anamnesis, physical examination, investigations findings such as computed tomography and histopathologic examination as a definitive diagnostic and management of exostosis is extirpation with endoscopic guidance.


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