The study of prevalence of Hepatitis B surface antigen during pregnancy
Author(s): Mehta K, Garala N, Garala R, Hansaliya M, Shah A, Aring B, Sinha M
Background: Hepatitis B virus infection is a major public health problem accounting to 400 million chronic infections worldwide and great majority of the transmission of Hepatitis B in India and other developing countries occurs by vertical transmission from an infected carrier mother to the neonate, intrapartum or antenatally.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in Pregnant Women. Methods: The study was conducted at M.P. Shah Govt. medical college and G.G. hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India during July 2013 to December 2013, including 1810 antenatal women. All of them were evaluated using history, examination, and test for serum HBsAg using Commercial enzyme immunoassay kits.
Result: Of the total 1810 antenatal women, 15 were found to be positive for HBsAg (0.83%). Highest prevalence was found in age group 21-25 years (53.3%) followed by age group 26-30 years (33.3%), age group 17-20 and age more than 30 years (6.7%).
Conclusion: Hepatitis B is highly infectious, associated with maternal complications and transmission to the child. It is mandatory that all the antenatal women should be screened for HBsAg and appropriately managed.