The Role of Health Education in Reducing Risk Factors in Children Under 5 Years
Author(s): Kalvandi Narges, Keshtkari Ali, Nikghadam Hormoz, Bafahm Fatemeh
The incident is the first cause of death and disability and responsible for 40% of the total deaths in children throughout the world. By controlling the risk factors of these incidents, it is possible to prevent these incidents and disabilities. In this regard, it is important to consider the preventive behaviors of home health by the child careers and educational programs to promote them. The purpose of this study was to investigate educational interventions in order to reduce the risk factors in domestic events of children under the age of five based on the study method and how to use health education frameworks in the community so the impact of these interventions can be considered in reducing risk factors. Search using Persian and English keywords in children's events, home affairs, children's educational models, and educational interventions in children in specific and popular databases, such as the Iran medex database, SIDs, Pub med, Scopus, and Elsevier. The above mentioned database was searched from January 2017 to March 2018. Interventions to reduce the risk factors of home-based children in the sub-years of age were divided into general education based and non-based model and health education theories. Of the 7 papers reviewed, 4 papers were based on modeling and teaching theories and 3 articles without the use of educational models and theories. Teaching-based education and health education models have a greater impact on reducing the risk factors of under-age children. Also, time, location, duration of interventions, personality traits and the use of new educational methods for some audiences are important in the effectiveness of the training provided to reduce the risk factors.