The Role of Anxiety on Gingival Recession Occurrence: An Obs | 54700

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Role of Anxiety on Gingival Recession Occurrence: An Observational Study

Author(s): Montevecchi Marco*, D’Alessandro Giovanni, Valeriani Leoluca, Gatto Maria Rosaria and Piana Gabriela


Aim: The gingival recession is recognized as a clinical manifestation of periodontitis; however, many evidences suggest that an incorrect brushing could be responsible of its occurrence too. Assuming that improper hygiene actions could be responsible of tissues damage and knowing that psychological factors can influence the oral hygiene habit, it could be possible that anxiety relates to gingival recession. This study investigated this potential correlation.

Material and Methods: Forty-three consecutive subjects showing at least one buccal recession were selected. Patients were interviewed using special forms to record oral hygiene habits and to define the anxiety level. A complete clinical and radiographic examination was also performed. By using the collected data, the study sample was divided into 2 groups: group A with intact periodontal support except for buccal recessions, and group B with not only buccal signs of attachment loss. Number of recessions and their depth were correlated with hygienic parameters.

Results: A positive correlation has been detected between anxiety and plaque index in both groups, a negative one was observed between anxiety and frequency of brushing in group A. A negative correlation between anxiety and gingival recession dimension has been detected only for group A.

Conclusions: Adult subjects with high value of anxiety display a worse oral hygiene habit, though this emotional aspect seems to have a protective effect on buccal recession development.

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