The prevalence of infection in women using IUDs | 1530

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The prevalence of infection in women using IUDs

Author(s): Alireza Sharif, Mohammad Reza Sharif, Mansooreh Momen-Heravi, Hanieh Mohammadi, Zahra Soleimani


Nowadays over 153 million women use IUD in worldwide, as contraception. Long-term, high effective, and cost effective are advantages this method. This study was conducted to access side effects and prevalence of them of IUD380A during a 6-month period. This descriptive cross sectional study with use of continued method conducted on 125 candidates applied for IUD insertion. The side effects were recorded in the following 1,2,3,6 months after use of the method in the questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed using Students` t-test, fisher and chi-squared test where appropriate. Data were analyzed by SPSS software. Results: Side-effects were included: bleeding, pain, infection, spontaneous expulsion, and unintended pregnancy. Bleeding, pain and spontaneous expulsion were more frequently happened during the first month, and infection was more commonly complication during 2nd month of implantation. However after 6 months, all side effects were in lowest range. Continuation rate was over than 90% for these users. According the findings of the present study, the side effects included bleeding; pain, infection and spontaneous expulsion were decreased over time, in CuT380A users. Considering the safety of this method and the low unintended pregnancy rate among the other contraception methods, the use of this IUD is recommended.


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