The Impact of Educating Mothers in Choice Theory on their Children Student's Aggression in Primary level in the City of Hamadan
Author(s): Leila Cheggeni, Mohammad Ismaeel Ebrahimi, Ali Sahebi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of teaching the choice theory on mothers on the depression of their offspring during the elementary period of the city of Hamedan. The present study was a semiexperimental and design used in the research, pre-test, post-test with control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of all mothers of elementary school students who were enrolled in a boys' primary school in Hamedan District in the academic year of 2017-18. After three months of student behavior observation, examination of their cases, interview with the teacher, a sample of 30 mothers was selected using purposeful sampling. Subjects were randomly assigned into two groups of 15 subjects. The tool was used in the study of the Volger's Formula Aggression Questionnaire. The hypotheses of this research are: 1- Educating mothers in choice theory affects the degree of aggression (verbal-invasive dimension) of children. 2- Educating mothers in choice theory affects the degree of aggression (physical-invasive dimension) of children. 3 - Educating mothers in choice theory affects the degree of aggression (relational dimension) of children. 4 - Educating mothers in choice theory affects the degree of aggression (impulsive dimension) of children. The findings of this study showed that the learning method of choice theory to mothers affects the level of aggression in their children (p <0.01). And the verbal, physical and relational aggression in the sample group reduced significantly following educating mothers in choice theory. Therefore, considering the findings of the effectiveness of teaching the choice theory to mothers of the sample group, on the reduction of children aggression, this intervention is an effective method in the correction of parent-child relationship and it seems to be necessary, if it used in order to improve the childraising and prevent Children's behavioral issues and their compatibility.