The Impact of Combined Application of Cilantro White Varnish | 88297

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Impact of Combined Application of Cilantro White Varnish and ER,CR:YSGG Laser on Enamel Resistance to Caries: An In Vitro Study

Author(s): Hussein Sami Abdullah* and Aisha Aram Qasim


Background: This study aims to investigate the efficacy of ER, CR: YSGG laser combined with functionalized tricalcium
phosphate (fetch) exclusively from Cilantro White Varnish in preventing of enamel caries.
Materials and Methods: Freshly extracted fifty sound upper first premolars teeth were divided into five groups, each group
of ten samples. Group (C): only washed with deionized water. Group (V): functionalized tricalcium phosphate (fTCP)
exclusively from Clinpro White Varnish. Group (L1): Er,Cr:YSGG laser (0.25watt, 2.8 J/cm2, 20 Hz, 11% air, 0% water) was
irradiated. Group (V/L1): First Cilantro White varnish was applied then Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Group (L1/V): Er,Cr:YSGG laser
was irradiated followed by Clinpro White varnish. Then, the pH cycling model was used to induce artificial caries. The effect
was studied using Vickers microhardness test and the obtained results were statistically analyzed. The surface morphology
was also studied by scanning electron microscopy.
Results: There was decreasing in surface microhardness in all groups due to the demineralization. Statistically there was no
significant difference between groups of combinations and group of varnish while all of these groups had a highly
significant resistance against microhardness loss. The least value of surface microhardness belonged to the control group
and laser group. Morphological changes of enamel surfaces were in relation with increasing of enamel resistance to
Conclusions: The impacts on enamel resistance to demineralization and reducing its solubility seem to indicate that there is
no benefit in using Er,Cr:YSGG laser at 0.25watt alone or as a pretreatment and post treatment for fTCP varnish over using
fTCP varnish alone.

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