The Handling of Dead Bodies of the Confirmed COVID-19 Patien | 93751

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Handling of Dead Bodies of the Confirmed COVID-19 Patients during Pandemic

Author(s): Swedaj Thakre and Avinash Waghmode*


I found Italian interim guidelines for workers possibly came in contact with material from carcass, including body’s serum, in morgue susceptible places and during autopsy practice for employees came in close proximity the stuff from corpses, including body fluids, in morgue and structures and during autopsy. To be particularly intriguing. In truth, the treatment of deceased bodies is a serious issue that is rarely discussed. It's possible that the illness will spread from the practitioner's body to other persons who come into touch with it. The first possible example of COVID-19 transmission from a corpse, as reported by Sriwijitalai and Wiwanitkit, demonstrates the urgent need for effective protection. I the Author intend to publish this review to provide technical insight for the personnel working in the autopsy activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to early studies, infection is spread by close and biblical contraption to a pathologic person, mostly through respiratory droplets produced by conversing, whooping, or blowing. Fever, cough, and difficulty breathing are all common symptoms of infection. The infection can lead to pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, multi-organ dysfunction or failure, and death in extreme instances. Because of the scarcity of scientific data and information of SARS-CoV-2 infection, it is thought prudent to treat COVID-19 patients in a systematic manner. Proper management of the dead bodies is quite crucial as the nature of the infection and its pathogenesis was not well understood at the initial phase of the pandemic. The stakes were too high to take any risks and a proper protocol was much needed to minimize any mishaps or accidents that might lead to full fledge spread of the disease.

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