The Effect of Sodium Fluoride and Listerine Mouthwashes on t | 1400

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Effect of Sodium Fluoride and Listerine Mouthwashes on the Force Decay of Orthodontic Elastomeric Chains

Author(s): Saeid Sadeghian, Gholamreza Heydari, Amin Shirvani, Rastin Sadeghian


Elastomeric chains are commonly used in orthodontic treatments. If their force decreases, the need for changing them will increase. This study aims to evaluate the effects of three different mouthwashes on the force loss of two different orthodontic chain brands. Forty five chains from each American Orthodontics (AO) and Dentaurum (DR) brands were divided into three subgroups. The chains of all6 groups were stretched 25 mm and immersed in related solutions (sodium fluoride 0.05% (SF), Listerine (LS) and artificial saliva (control group). The specimens were incubated at 37Ëšc between the test intervals. Elastics force was tested before the test and after one hour, twenty four hours, one week, two weeks and three weeks by Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine. To compare the results, ANOVA, Tukey and T-test were (level of significance= 0.05) performed. The mean force in control group was higher than those of two other solutions (PV<0.001) but the differences between sodium fluoride and Listerine groups were not statistically significant (P=0.527). Before (P<0.001) and one hour (P<0.001) after the test, the mean chain force in AO was higher than that of DR brand. Twenty four hours after the test, there was no significant difference between the two brands (P=0.519).However, one week (P<0.001), two weeks (P<0.001) and three weeks (P=0.035) after the test, the mean forces in DR brand were higher. These of Sodium fluoride and Listerine mouthwashes can speed up force degradation in chains. The force loss in DR brand is less and slower than that of AO brand.


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