The effect of Self-care educational program on sexual functi | 1798

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The effect of Self-care educational program on sexual function and quality of life in patients with ischemic heart disease

Author(s): Mahsa Haji Mohammad Hoseini, Leila Ghanbari Afra, Hamid Asayesh, Mohammad Goudarzi, Monireh Ghanbari Afra


Sexual activity is a multi-dimensional relationship, which affected by many factors such as psychological, individual and social factor. Sexual education in patients with ischemic heart disease can reduce many of the consequences of it. Therefore, this study was performed to investigate the effect of Self-care education program on sexual function and quality of life in patients with ischemic heart disease. This semi experimental study was performed on 60 patients with ischemic heart disease, in Holy vali asr hospital in Qom, Iran in 2017. Patients were divided into control and intervention groups by Randomize sampling. Self-care education was provided through CD. Data collection was done through using the “demographic and clinical data questionnaire”, “Seattle Angina questionnaire”, and “Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale”. Questionnaires were completed in both groups, Before and at least one month after education,. Data were analyzed using central indexes, mann-whitney test and Wilcoxon Test. The average age of intervention and control participants were 58.1±5.8 and 57.66±4.5, respectively. Quality of life and sexual function, before and after education, in the intervention group had a significant difference. But the quality of life and sexual function, before and after the education, in control groups were not significantly. The results show that sexual educational programs as film for cardiac patients can improve sexual function and quality of life of these patients. Therefore; it is recommended that nurses must pay attention to education concerning the sexual function and quality of life in patients with Ischemic heart.


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