The Effect of Clinical Instruction based on Mentorship Patte | 1836

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Effect of Clinical Instruction based on Mentorship Patterns on Clinical Competencies of the Nursing students

Author(s): Mehdi Torabi, Neda Mohammad Zadeh


In line with resolving the problems in the face of the clinical education, including the low level of the graduates’ skills and in regard of the acquisition of the required skills and capabilities in the end of the nursing clinical education course and considering the necessity for making use of novel methods of clinical education for enhancing the quality of the clinical instructions, the present study has been designed to evaluate the effect of clinical education planned according to mentorship pattern on the clinical learning of the nursing students as compared to the common methods of clinical education. The present study is a quasi-experimental research featuring two groups, named pretest and posttest. The study sample volume was comprised of 52 nursing students who had been selected based on a census method and assigned randomly to four control groups and two experimental groups. Each group was consisted of 6-7 individuals. After the implementation of the cognitive skills’ pretests, the students from the control groups and the students from the experimental groups were subjected to two weeks of clinical education based on conventional methods and mentorship-based methods, respectively. In the end, the students’ cognitive skills and behavioral skills were examined using checklists. The study findings indicated that mentorshipbased instruction is effective on the enhancement of the cognitive skills. The mean scores of the experimental groups’ cognitive skills as well as their behavioral skills were found significantly higher than the control group in the post tests and for all of the cases. The clinical qualifications of the experimental group students were also significantly higher than the control group students. The mentorship-based instruction method more than the conventional method leads to the enhancement of the nursing students’ competencies. Thus, it is suggested that the method can be applied in clinical instruction.


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