The Effect of Adding 1% Titanium Dioxide to Heat Cure Poly m | 1810

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Effect of Adding 1% Titanium Dioxide to Heat Cure Poly methyl methacrylate on the Shear Strength of Acrylic Teeth Bonding

Author(s): Loghman Ghahramani, Rahmat Saeidi


Detachment of teeth from the denture base is one of the most common failures in patients with the dental prosthesis. Heat cure acrylics are widely used as denture materials. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of adding 1% nanotyitanium dioxide to heat cure poly methyl methacrylate on the bond strength of the teeth. This study was conducted experimentally and in vitro, in which 40 acrylic anterior maxilla teeth were divided into two groups. Group A (study group) consisted of 20 acrylic teeth mounted on blocks made of heat cure poly methyl methacrylate that 1% wt. of titanium dioxide was added. Group B (control group) consisted of 20 acrylic teeth mounted on blocks made of heat cure poly methyl methacrylate. Each of these teeth was mounted on a cylindrical pattern, the shear bond strength of the two components was measured using a universal testing machine, and the results were analyzed using t-test. In this experimental study, 40 samples were examined by means of tests. The mean shear bond strength of the study group was 82.2356 MPa more than the control group and the t-test was used to test the significance of this difference. Considering the significance level of more than 0.05, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the mean of the study and control group. The results indicate that adding 1% wt. of Tio2 to heat cure poly methyl methacrylate does not disrupt the bond strength of the tooth.


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