The Content of Phenolic Compounds in Gentiana cruciata L. Gr | 60624

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Content of Phenolic Compounds in Gentiana cruciata L. Growing in the Territory of the Republic of the Tatarstan

Author(s): Landysh Zavdetovna Khusnetdinova* and Emil Maratovich Salmin


The article presents the results of a study of the quantitative content of phenolic compounds in aerial shoots and underground organs of the cruciate gentian (Gentiana cruciata L.) growing in plant communities on the territory of Tatarstan. The quantitative analysis of medicinal plant materials carried out by the spectrophotometric method confirmed the results of earlier studies, according to which the aerial part of the cruciform gentian plants is 5-6 times richer in biologically active phenolic compounds than rhizomes with roots. In addition, it was found that plants growing on the territory of Laishevsky (meadow cenosis) and Chistopol districts (forest cenosis) of the Republic of Tatarstan accumulate different amounts of biologically active compounds, which is probably due to the ecological-cenotic growing conditions. Namely, the positive effect of the concentration of some elements of mineral nutrition (exchangeable potassium, mobile phosphorus) and the insolation level, as well as the negative influence of organic matter (humus) on the content of the sum of xanthones and flavones in the plant raw materials of the cruciform gentian was noted. It was found that the maximum content of phenolic compounds among all studied samples of raw materials is typical for the aboveground part of Gentiana cruciata plants collected on the territory of Laishevsky district.

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