Survey on Career over Passion Among Dental Students | 61395

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Survey on Career over Passion Among Dental Students

Author(s): Aarthi Kannan, Dhanraj Ganapathy* and Keerthi Sasanka


Passion also technically means “suffer”. So whatever a person is willing to sacrifice and suffer for is his passion. Pursuing the passion indeed helps us feel the satisfaction. Choosing our passion might sometimes not turn out the way we expect, but in the long run it will. Motives for choosing a career are complex, and a choice of dentistry as a career is no exception. Many factors may enter while deciding on a career choice. These include factors relating to work conditions and financial rewards. Harmonious passion is an optimal passion where an individual feels as if he or she has control over an activity, and that feeling of control contributes to positive psychological outcomes this was a cross- sectional study. A well-structured questionnaire comprising 11 questions covering the socio-demographic information, knowledge, attitude, perception was framed, administered and circulated to college students through an online survey link. The sample size was 100 dental students. Data was analyzed and determined through pie charts. In conclusion, we examined the choice of interests of the students on career over passion. On surveying, it was evidence that the majority of the population was forced into this profession, and chose this career based on money. Hence it is important to improve the knowledge, perception and attitude of the participants towards choosing careers.

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