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Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Author(s): Hardik Kumar Pawar*


A chronic Achilles tendon rupture is a tendon rupture which is more than 4–6 weeks after a traumatic injury or any other pathological conditions like repeated corticosteroid injections, Haglund’s deformity or due to osteophyte or bone spur), can cause chronic inflammation and degeneration of the Achilles tendon, eventually leading to rupture. This presents a challenge for surgeons who provide tendon repair procedures. We present a 47 -year-old man who had difficulty moving her left leg and had a deformity on the left leg compared to her right leg and pain starting 1 months .patient is worker in company And he didn’t have any significant injury. There was a 2 centimeter gap near tendoachilis insertion with a positive Thompson test. The Haglund’s deformity on the left calcaneus was visible on the ankle X-ray. The patient had a chronic total rupture of the left Achilles tendon with degenerative changes in tendon confirmed by ultrasonography Patient was treated with a Flexor Hallucis Longus (FHL) tendon transfer and resection of the haglund deformity/ spur. 3 week after surgery, the Patient’s ability to walk and range of movements of the left leg improved. This case report describes a chronic left Achilles tendon condition that was successfully repaired through surgery using FHL tendon transfer and removal of Haglund’s deformity

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